Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day 5... Bleh!

Hey folks! So today didn't exactly go great. I woke up and had my lemon water and breakfast juice. I then took my son downtown to the grand opening of an indoor playground called Fun Fusion. I didn't expect to be there that long so I went on down. I ended up staying for a couple hours then I met a couple of friends downtown and went for coffee and then we had a look round the shops. I got home 6 hours later.... so I had missed my morning snack of coconut water, my lunch and my afternoon snack. Big mistake. I was shaking. My blood sugars were obviously so low that I couldnt even hold my water properly. While I was out I didn't even notice because I was having fun I guess. It wasn't until I got home that I even noticed how ill I felt because of what I had done. So some advice for today.... If you plan on going out make sure you either can juice where you are going or maybe buy some citric acid so you can take your juice in one of those cups that keeps your drink cold. The citric acid will keep it fresh all day so you can take it with you. I would have done this but I really didn't expect to be out so long. I need to think like a boy scout "Always be prepared"  haha!

On a plus though I did walk A LOT today so hopefully the scales will be my friend on tuesday! My son had a super busy day so he crashed an hour early, so that's an extra hour to relax with my candles on and a good movie :) I will do the laundry tomorrow.....after today I need some Mama time to myself!! Yes sir!

I hope you all have a great weekend. Keep your comments coming by the way! I love hearing your stories :)



  1. Hiya Jen. keep it up. I intend starting my detox tomorrow. I bought all my fruits today from the green grocer's, ready to kick off. just really worried if i will be able to make it as i have a partner and a child who will have tempting treats around the house. fingers cross. I will keep you updated.


    M (from London)

    1. Hello London! Good luck for tomorrow. I know exactly what you mean, my husband eats Chinese and Pizza a lot which is torture to smell! I get jealous of my 10 month old's crackers! lol. But seriously though the juice will make you feel so good that the detox kinda feels easy. That's how I feel anyway so hopefully you will feel the same. If I feel hungry at any point I drink water, sort of fills you up! Nothing like food but just keep in mind how healthy it is for you. I am hoping that after this detox I wont crave chocolate and fizzy juice any more. They were my biggest downfalls. I used to be super healthy before I moved to America so I wanna get back to that.

      Yes please do keep me and everyone else updated! I love hearing how other people are getting on!

